Call Your Dad
Call your Dad. Today.
I know, you are busy. Call your Dad anyways.
Oh, you’ll do it later? Sure, you might plan to do it later. But then later comes and goes, because you are busy.
Call your Dad. He loves to hear from you. He might not say those words, but he does.
Ok, you’ll do it tomorrow. Tomorrow won’t be so busy. Tomorrow won’t be so crazy. Tomorrow you can actually have a conversation with him, uninterrupted.
But what really makes tomorrow, any different from today? Does your Dad care if you are scatterbrained? Yelling at the kids mid-conversation? Or making the call quick just to say hello?
No, he doesn’t.
Call your Dad.
Because today, on Father’s Day, for 11 years in a row now, I can’t call my Dad. And I would give anything to be able to call him, just to talk. To say anything. To say ‘Happy Father’s Day’. To ask how he is. To introduce him to his grandkids. To show him where he live. To tell him about our lives. To laugh with him one more time. To say something as simple as ‘hello’. To tell him we love him.
Call your Dad. Because one day, you won’t be able to.
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